Our Members
The CCAA has three different membership classifications. Each are held by an individual, non transferrable and renewed annually. Application for membership can take place online and once approved, you will gain full access to the site and all other membership benefits.
- Regular Member (Executive Chef)

- Associate Member (Sous or Pastry Chef)
- Honorary Allied (Purveyor)
Each membership classification shall meet the following criteria as outlined within our bylaws:
"Member" shall be an executive chef, sous chef, or pastry chef at a profit or non-profit club.
The club must enjoy the use of permanent kitchen facilities.
The control and supervision of the club's kitchen must be discharged by a full time chef responsible to the club's governing body.
"Associate Member" shall be a person who works in the kitchen of a club who is working to become a chef or sous chef and who is sponsored for membership in the Association by a Member who is a chef.
"Honorary Allied" shall be a person or entity which is the supplier of goods or services to the clubs.
Apply for membership today.